Joe's Other Blog - Back to the Irony Age

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Life in These United States

Well, life is different here in the US these days. Our fearless leader tells us that the creation of the Glorious Empire is going well. The enemies are being crushed and soon will be no more. The other nations will soon kneel at our feet as he predicted. But there are others in the Empire who suggest that our Emperor is not telling us all the truth. They suggest that his beautiful new set of clothes that I must admit I cannot actually see due to my not being worthy of my station are not in fact there. Our Brave King tells us not to listen to this rabble, and to occupy our minds with television broadcasts. He says that soon there will be a CSI series for every city in the country, and reality programs will allay our needs for having a life outside the regularly scheduled programming. I love Big Brother. Bang! It’s 1984 all over again.